** TVET Provides Knowledge and Skills for Employment ** Dr. Engr. Md. Sakawat Ali

"Build Your Skills-Shape Your Future"

"My Skills, My Future"
Dr. Engr. Md. Sakawat Ali

Skills is the ability /expertise of individuals which are naturally acquired or developed through training. Ability to do something well is skills. Our life today is based on one cornerstone i.e. skills. Skills shape people and their societies. A skilled professional constantly improves our world with the power of skills. Skills is one’s asset, skilled manpower is an asset of a country. Low-Skills give low productivity & Higher-Skills give higher productivity. Better skills ensures better jobs and better lives. The knowledge and Skills has become the currency of the future. Skills is like healthcare.


Develop the Skills You Need For Life

Welcome. Here at skills24bd, passionate about providing high quality information and resources that help you learn and develop the skills you need in 24 hours of a day in life. Whether you're at work, a job seeker, student, teacher or parent, or just interested in developing your key skills, you will find plenty of information here about essential skills. We hope that this information and these resources will help you to improve your personal and professional life style. We also hope you find your visit rewarding and tell others about us.

TVET International Links

1. GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit)

2. HRD Korea (Human Resources Development Service of Korea)

3. IDEB (Institution of Diploma Engineers, Bangladesh)

4. ITE (Institute of Technical Education)

5. IVETA (International Vocational Education and Training Association)

6. KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency)

7. NITTTR Chennai (National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research, Chennai)

8. SEAMEO VOCTECH (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation Regional Centre for Vocational and Technical Education and Training)

9. TITI (Training Institute for Technical Instruction)

10. TESDA: Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

11. TAFE

12. UNESCO-UNEVOC (International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)

13. Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC)

14. International Training Centre of the ILO — ITCILO

15. TVET Journal

16. TVET Asia

17. Regional Association for Vocational and Technical Education

18. Barbados TVET Council

19. Finland VET

20. Ministry of Technical and Vocational Training-Sri Lanka

21. National Training Board-Cambodia  

22. TVET Maldives


24. TVET Vietnam

25. Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (SENAI) in Brazil

26. Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje (INA) in Costa Rica

27. Technological and Vocational Education in Taiwan, Republic of China

28. Sustainable Skills